From Dis-ease to ease! (A self created myth)

From Dis-Ease to Ease!

(A myth on how the concept of day and night came about!)

Myth Video:


Have you ever wondered why it's bright and fresh in the morning and so dark at night?

Well… there’s actually a very interesting myth..!

Long, long ago, India was called Indheri, which refers to a ‘place which is dark’. 

During the monsoon season, a disease called 'Viparyaya', which means false perception started infecting everybody and was spreading rapidly ,

causing a lot of confusion and misconception to the Indherians! The Hindu Gods were petrified by looking at their condition, and on top of that they realized the cure was nearly impossible! 

They seeked help from other Gods and when they explained the situation to The Greek God- Asclepius, they finally hit the bulls eye.

Lord Asclepius knew the cure and gave his unique healing  powers to his snake who he sent to Indheri!

After a long journey of slithering, with a great intention of bringing everyone back to normal, the snake finally reached Indheri.

However, there was a slight problem, the disease, Viparyaya, made all the villagers perceive the snake as a rope! In reaction, the snake started biting everybody and got scared on how he would be able to cure them if there remained no light, whereas in Greece, The Sun God shined bright 24/7, with no sense of dullness!

Therefore, the Sun God, Helios, was requested to shine his bright light and bring fullness to Indheri as well, which would possibly remove the darkness  along with cure them from Viparyaya; false perception! Helios, kindly agreed!

The Hindu gods were thrilled by this idea, and so when Helios would be shining his golden rays in Indheri, the crescent moon on Lord Shiva’s head would reveal itself at night in Greece, creating balance between darkness and light! 

The Indherians were up to a double surprise, when once they got to know that light would be a part of their lives, and secondly that they were finally cured by the deadly disease when the merciful snake helped them as soon as light filled Indheri throughout.

As a thank you gesture to The Sun God, Helios, they performed the Surya Namaskara every early morning to welcome him, thus, the creation of Surya Namaskara came into existence, and until and unless at least 1 person would perform the Surya Namaskar, the Sun would definitely rise!

And to thank the Snake who healed everybody, they started celebrating Nag Panchami during monsoon season, when they dedicate the whole day to worship the snakes, and make offerings such as milk, fruits, flowers, etc. to signify the importance of snakes!

When everything was back to normal, the Indherians were thinking, now that the darkness has been removed, why should the name remain. Therefore, they upgraded their beloved country's name to India, in which Dia is a light or lamp in Sanskrit!

From that day onwards, Indians lived in a balance in which the day would welcome Helios and at night Lord Shiva would show the crescent moon on his head!

That's how the Indians moved from Disease to ease with Samatvam: Balance! 

*Authors note: As a Grade 8 term project in the English Subject, we created our own myth regarding any geographical feature, whilst including gods and goddesses from different mythologies! Therefore, the above is the outcome of my creativity, where I explain how the concept of Day and Night came about! in my own created myth! So, sharing it with you all!


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