My Blog, My Brahma Mudra! (Happy 1st Birthday blog!)

Can you believe it? This blog was created exactly 1 earth revolution ago; 1 year ago! Since then so many changes and perspectives have manifested into not only mine, but everybody's life! Thank you dearest blog for acting as a Brahma Mudra for me in the past year!

If you are totally confused on what I am corelating this blog to, let me fill you in. Brahma Mudra is a Yogic practice of the head and the neck and is excellent to do for one and all! It relates to Lord Brahma (on the right), the Hindu God of Creation, who has 4 heads, looking into 4 different directions; 4 new perspectives. This practice has many benefits, where we move our head into all 4 directions (↑↓→←) then come back to the center. Most importantly, it helps us explore and balance our perspectives. 

In the same way, BE-ing Avni blog has guided me to look into new perspectives and explore my hidden qualities. On the auspicious day of June 21st 2021, this blog was created- which also every year happens to be International day of yoga, World Music day, Summer Solstice, and my dearest Dhivya Priya akka's birthday; to whom this blog was dedicated to! 

The past year went by super fast, filled with lots of transformations, memories and learning experiences from failures and mistakes, and new perspectives! 

How about we sit back, relax and rewind to exactly 12 months back, where the world was still a victim of the pandemic, online school/Work from Home had become a routine, and every conversation was maintained 6 feet apart! In my case, this Brahma Mudra of mine manifested into so many new opportunities and learning experiences. Since then, I have shifted to a new country, a new school, met new friends and so many more people! 
I received the "Ann Brannon" award from my school as a reward for exemplary performance (on the left), I have been in the tech crew for my first Musical Theatre show, even tried Roller skating, Choir shows and so much more for the first time! Even though I looked at these new perspectives of life, I still came back to the center like in Brahma Mudra, and came back to my SukhaSthanam- My happy place where I can BE Avni! 

As Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher has rightly said, "Change is the only constant". These changes, maybe for the good or the bad, were needed, and guided me to come out of my comfort zone leading to brand new perspectives and gateways opening up for me. 

So this 21st June, let us all look into new perspectives, seek new opportunities and be open to new ideas, because 'When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at Change!', however we all must come back to the center and not forget our Dharma; purpose of life!

Happy International Yoga Day! Happy Summer Solstice! Happy World Music Day! Happy Birthday Dhivya akka! And of all, HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY BE-ING AVNI BLOG!


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